About Me

Dr Jennie Gough is an experienced Clinical Psychologist with 20 years of experience working with children, young people and adults experiencing mental health distress and difficulty. Jennie completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford in 2007.

Since her doctorate Jennie has worked in a range of NHS settings including community Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services, Adult Mental Health services and social care.

Throughout her career Jennie has continued to develop her skills and learning investing in further training in EMDR, DDP and Theraplay. Jennie continues to have regular clinical supervision in both DDP and EMDR.

Alongside talking therapies Jennie has a keen interest in developing her skills in working with the mind-body connection through understanding sensory development and the role of the body & movement in Therapy.


  • Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (University of Oxford)

  • BSc. Psychology (University of Birmingham)

Professional Memberships

  • HCPC Registered Practitioner Psychologist

  • Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society

  • Association of Clinical Psychologists – UK


Some recent professional development Jennie has undertaken are listed below;

  • Level 2 Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems (BUSS) (Sarah Lloyd)

  • Soothing the anxious child/Introduction to Breath-Body-Mind (Special Yoga, Dr Brown & Dr Gerberg)

  • Working with children and young people with accumulative trauma (Dr Ana Gomez)

  • 'I do not want to do EMDR' (Dr Arianne Struik)

  • Introduction to the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (Dr Anna Carter)

  • Collaborative & Proactive Solutions with Dr Ross Greene (Author of ‘The Explosive Child’)

J.G. Clinical Psychology
Dr Jennifer Gough
HCPC Practitioner Psychologist Clinical Psychologist working with children, adolescents and families